Call for reviewers

Didaktika Jurnal Kependidikan is extending an invitation to researchers and scholars to join our voluntary reviewer panel. Your expertise is invaluable in upholding the standards and integrity of our journal through the provision of objective, fair, and insightful evaluations of submitted manuscripts.

As a reviewer, you will have the opportunity to:

Engage in Scholarly Evaluation

Contribute significantly to the peer review process by providing constructive feedback on submitted works.

Gain Official Recognition

Reviewers who participate will receive a certificate as a token of appreciation for their contributions.

Enhance Professional Development

Broaden your knowledge in the field of education by reviewing the latest research submitted by fellow scholars.

Reviewer Qualifications and Responsibilities

We seek reviewers with expertise in educational fields who can provide impartial and comprehensive assessments. Reviewers must adhere to high ethical standards, including avoiding any conflicts of interest, both personal and professional. Should a reviewer feel unable to deliver an unbiased review or encounter unforeseen delays, they are required to immediately inform the Editor in Chief.

If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, please complete the attached Reviewer Application Form. We will contact you shortly upon receipt of your application.

To apply, click this link.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Editor in Chief

Dr. Firman, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Phone: +62821-3744-4339